Interactive Genealogical Tree | ![]() |
Of Gosiewski family |
Go directly to interactive tree names Index
By using the interactive tree you agree to the following conditions:
The tree can be used only for genealogical purposes. It is forbidden to use the data from the tree for any commercial purposes. It is forbidden to include the data from the pages in any database commercial or non profit without permition from the author. It is allowed to include the pages themselves in search engines and to link to the pages.
If you are incluede in the tree but you would like to be removed for any reason - please inform me - you will be immediately removed from the pages even if you will not give any reason for your decision.
I shall be not responsible for completeness, correctness of the data. This is not a database. The data has not been consulted with people listed on the pages.
You want to report errors, additions? see below.
The Genalogical tree consists of two parts: index where all people contained in a in the trees are listed, sorted by surname+name. The second part are the trees for each person itself. Each person has his own page with information and two trees, above and below. The ancestors tree is listed above the person data, then the information on a person itself is followed by descendants tree. .
How to read the information:
/---grandfather etc etc ... <---- here the ancestor's tree starts /--grandmother | /--nie podano osoby <---------------- the text 'nie podano osoby' indicates that there is no information | |--grand-grand father on one of the ancestors (father or mother side) while there is information |--grandtfather (mother's father) on the second one /--mother | /--grandmother (father's mother) | |--grandfather (father's father) |--father PERSON - name, surname, other data <----- start of person's data where did he live, spouse name etc ... |--syn/córka <----- beginning of a descendants tree | |--wnuk/wnuczka | \--wnuk/wnuczka |--syn/córka \--itp / itd / etc
When you click on any particular name in the tree you are reaching the page with trees and data of this person. .
If the person is listed in the ascendands or descendants tree it means the person has his own tree. If the person's data is not followed by the tree it means I didn't have the data on that person.
Please write
to me including in your email the following data:
Name and surname of corrected person (number from the database if
Maiden name,
Where did he / she live
Few sentences what did he do (work / activities)
Please include at least enough data to be able to extinguish the
person from other persons holding the same name or to find out
which of those people is the person.
His wife / Her husband -> name, surname and number from the
database if available.
Who was his / her father-> as above
Who was his / her mother -> as above